Fake Ear Plugs, Real Ear Plugs, King’s Has It All
True self-expression is a journey every person goes on. Your exterior style can often be a reflection of how you are feeling on the inside. For those of you looking to enhance or modify your style, King’s Body Jewelry can lend a hand. With diverse product offerings, they are able to supply consumers with varying forms of body modification jewelry, from fake ear plugs to stretching kits to a wide range of real ear plugs. King’s Body Jewelry strives to support their consumer’s individuality and style with a myriad of body jewelry options.

If you have been interested in using body modification as a form of self-expression, King’s Body Jewelry has everything you need. If ear stretching is new to you, King’s Body Jewelry carries a line of fake plug earrings so consumers can experiment with a desired look before starting to stretch their ears. These particular earrings allow you to see exactly what it would look like if you increased the gauge of your ear piercing. Should you decide to move forward with the ear stretching process, King’s Body Jewelry has many different styles of ear stretching kits available on their website.
In addition to these kits, King’s offers stretching accessories such as bondage tape and sanitary sprays to assist you throughout your stretching journey. These stretching kits can be personalized and customized to fit your desired size at a gradual, healthy pace. The team over at King’s is always available for any questions you may have regarding this process. Their goal is to help consumers reach their desired looks and gauge size in a healthy, painless way. You can transition from fake plug earrings to real ear plugs with these stretching kits, which put the safety and health of a consumer’s body first.
King’s Body Jewelry knows the importance of maintaining fresh or existing piercings, which is why they offer sanitation equipment and accessories. Healthy tips are provided to keep your piercings in tip-top shape. Whatever accessories you may need to accompany your new plugs, King’s Body Jewelry carries it.
Whether you lean towards a classic black pair of real ear plugs or something more detailed like stone plugs, King’s Body Jewelry has a variety of materials, not just sizes, to fit your needs. From Amber to Quartz to Turquoise tunnels, King’s has a versatile shop. We love the glass, stone and horn-bone products. Some fan-favorites include the wood and silicone products for varying looks. King’s also offers products with a more feminine flare, some with ornate orchids, other with floral designs. One of their top sellers includes detailed skull and crossbones designs. Net-net, the possibilities are endless. Everything they offer can be customized to fit your exact style and size. And, as always, if you need any help, the King’s team is always available to answer questions and point you in the right direction. Whatever you may be looking for, King’s Body Jewelry can satisfy your body modification cravings.
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