A Few Things You Should Know Before Opening Any Ear Stretching Kits

Ear stretching isn't this hip, new trend that just hit the United States. Body modification, including stretching the skin on different areas of the body, has been practiced for centuries. Today, ear stretching kits make it a bit easier to achieve the desired look.

There Will be Pain
Ear stretching means taking a small hole and making it larger. The skin of the earlobe is fleshy, not rigid like the cartilage of your upper ear, so that texture is in your favor. But any time you stretch a hole in your body, there will likely be some pain.

One of the more common causes of pain is stretching too fast. Everyone wants to look as cool as that guy on Instagram with the one-inch gauges, but I bet you didn’t know it can take many months or even years to reach that size safely, without damaging the earlobe.

The best piece of advice is to follow the directions that come with King’s Body Jewelry ear stretching kits and remember to take your time and take care of your ears.

Only Use Materials Meant Go in There
Stretching the earlobe is quite similar to a medical procedure if you think about it. As a matter of fact, multiple medical procedures utilize small changes in size to reach amazing changes overall. Think about it, with the right medicine we can make people taller one millimeter at a time.

Just as is the case with medical stretching, earlobe stretching must only be done with safe equipment. That doesn’t mean buying a fish hook and weight in hopes of hanging your lobes bigger. (And yes, we’ve seen many people attempt that with no success.)

Stick with the materials that came in your ear stretching kit. Clean and disinfect the pieces often and, while your at it, clean and disinfect your earlobes. You’re going for a funky look, not a funky smell.

People Will Want to Touch Your Ears - Just Say No
Sticking with the medical side of ear stretching; just say no. We’ve found it doesn’t matter how old you are when you start stretching your ears; there will be someone, or in most cases many ones, who want to touch your lobes. If there was ever a time to get defensive, that time is now.

Scientists believe as many as 33% of people don’t attempt to wash their hands after using the restroom. To paraphrase a Rutgers professor, whether it's peeing or pooping, you should be washing your hands every time. But, for you dear ear stretcher, you must consider everyone’s hands a germ fest and keep them off your lobes.

The history of stretching goes back thousands of years. To this day, some African tribes continue to take pride in placing large discs into stretched bottom lips or adding one more ring to elongate the neck. While ear stretching kits do not aim for as drastic an effect, the same rules apply. Stretch because you want to. Stretch because you love it. And, keep everything super clean - no hands allowed.

At King’s Body Jewelry, we carry a variety of ear stretching kits including, plugs, tapers, and plugs & tapers. All ear stretching kits are designed after the creator of Kings stretching experience. Yes, that means we’re stretched too. So, if you have any questions or concerns, never hesitate to call 270-599-1001 and speak with a representative who’s been where you are.


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